Do you FOLD or SCRUNCH toilet paper before you use it?

Folding Vs Scrunching

Many people are unaware that there is a great division and debate as to the best the method of holding the toilet paper before using it:
  • Folders -They fold the toilet paper (or possibly wrap around the hand) so it is flat on their hand 
  • Scrunchers - they scrunch the toilet paper and hold the bottom half before using it
Folders do not understand why Scrunchers' scrunch and Scrunchers do not understand why Folders' fold.

Arguments FOR Folding
Here are some of the arguments Folders use to explain why their approach is best:
  • It's cleaner as it covers a greater area than scrunching
  • It's more efficient as it uses less sheets than scrunching (e.g. Marines taught to be Folders)
  • It's more consistent as every scrunch is different
  • Folding allows for greater control and access, particularly with use of the middle finger
  • Folding enables easy refolding for further wipes

Arguments FOR Scrunching
Here are some of the arguments Scrunchers use to explain why their approach is best:
  • It's quicker and easier than folding
  • Scrunching allows you to achieve greater purchase on the toilet paper for a harder and more thorough wipe
  • Scrunching keeps your fingers further away from the 'danger zone'
  • A good scrunch allows the user to rescrunch for further wipes

Explain why you think Folding or Scrunching is best below


    1. Scrunching all the way! With folding you can't wipe so hard without it feeling like you're fingering your bum.

    2. Fold! It's the only way. It uses less paper and covers a wider area.

    3. FOLD!!!!
      Just the word scrunch indicates that its a completely random exercise. I have tried the scrunch approach, and I am open to new idease. but this does not make sense. In fact, I am ready to challenge all you scrunchers out there to dis-prove me with this empirical test. Firstly, we all need to agree that wiping your bum has one sole purpose; to clean it. So, to test this, find an uneven surface (as much resembly as possible to a bumhole) and place something with a similar texture of poo on it (porridge for example). Now, try to clean the uneven surface using once the wipe-with-folded-paper approach and once the dip-with-scrunched-paper approach. Which one was most efficient? As the test you have just perform suggests; folding is far superior in terms of cleaning efficiency. Logically the only conclusion I can draw is that scrunchers scrunch for other reason that cleaniness. What reason that is I let you describe yourselves.
